Ingliz tilini o'rganish orqali siz nafaqat tilning so'z boyligi va grammatikasi bilan tanishasiz, balki dunyo qarashingizni sezilarli darajada kengaytirasiz.
"To be - bu ingliz tilidagi fe'l, bu mavjudlikni, holatni yoki egasi bo'lishni anglatadi. U jarayon va mukammal zamir turlarini shakllantirish uchun ishlatiladi, shuningdek passiv yozish uchun yordamchi fe'l sifatida ham ishlatiladi".
"Possessive adjectives 's - is a grammatical construction in English that indicates possession of something by someone or something else. It is typically added to a noun to indicate ownership"
"Word builder - Plural nouns"
"Imperative jumladagi Object mazmunlari - "me," "you," "him," "her," "us," va "them" kabi mazmunlarni o'z ichiga olgan qisqa buyruqlar yoki so'rovlar. Ular qaysi shaxsga amalning yo'naltirilganligini anglatadi va ko'rsatmalar yoki buyruqlarni o'z ichiga oladi"
"Article - bu so'zning yaqin ma'nosi "maqola". Bu ingliz tilida ko'p nomzodagi qisqartirilgan so'zlar. Bu nisbatan qisqa va umumiy nomzodagi narsalarni belgilashda ishlatiladi. "A," "an," va "the" - bu eng mashhur maqolalar. "A" va "an" kichik maqolalar va "the" - umumiy maqolalardir. Maqolalar esa ko'plikda aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi"
"Appearance Speaking-Skills and abilities"
"Interrogative words"
"have got - has got"
"Countable - Uncountable nouns Some - Any"
"Present continuous tense 1"
"Present continuous tense 2"
"Present simple tense Doing some exercises"
"Present simple tense (2)"
"Daily routine (A day in the life of a jockey)"
"Adverbs of frequency"
"There is - are, some - any"
"To be, Was - Were"
"Present simple and Present continuous tense"
"Past simple tense"
"Past simple tense ( regular verbs)"
"Past simple (Irregular verbs) Exercises"
"Study corner 6"
"Was, were, Past simple, Sentence builder"
"Wildlife news"
"Going to"
"Degrees of adjective"
"Doing exercises"
"Be going to"
"Across cultures 4"
"Adjectives ending - ed, ing"
"Pronouns, Speaking, Telling the time, Imperatives, Articles"
"Modal verb - Can, Can't"
"Delixical verbs - have, make, give"
"Routines - Present simple"
"Reading: Exercises"
"Exercises Types of IELTS exam questions"
"Prepositions Adjective + prepositons"
"Past continuous tense and Past simple tense"
"Past simple & Past continuous"
"Personal information"
"A, an, the and some"
"Present simple (negative &question)"
"Describing people"
"Have to, dates"
"Prepositions of time"
"Present continuous"
"Present simple & present continuous"
"Making arrangements"
"There is & there are, some & any"
"How much, how many, a little, a few"
"In a restaurant, an invitation, places"
"Travel related collocations"
"Past simple (affirmative)"
"Past simple (to be & can)"
"Past simple (irregular verbs)"
"Negative & interrogative forms"
"Going to"
"Reading strategy (multiple - choice questions)"
"Present perfect (affirmative)"
"Present perfect (negative & interrogative)"
"Writing a description"
"Be & have got, can"
"Review: Articles, family"
"Review: Present simple (affirmative)"
"Review: Present simple (negative and interrogative)"
"Have to, unusual schools"
"Adverbs of frequency"
"Present continuous vs present simple"
"There is, there are, some & any"
"How much & how many, much & many, a lot of, a few & a little"
"An invitation"
"Past simple (regular verbs)"
"Past simple (irregular)"
"Going & will"
"Noun suffixes"
"Present perfect, do, make, have, take"
"Past simple"
"Past simple (negative and interrogative)"
"Adjective endings"
"Narrating events"
"Past continuous"
"Contrast - Past simple and past continuous"
"Word building"
"Photo description"
"Must, mustn't, and needn't, don't have to"
"Negative adjective prefixes"
"Reaching an agreement"
"Superlative adjectives, too and enough"
"Phrasal verbs"
"An article"
"Will and going to"
"First conditional"
"Аn application Ietter"
"Present perfect"
"Contrast - past simple and present perfect"
"Planning a holiday"
"Second conditional"
"Past perfect"
"Verb + infinitive or - ing form"
"An opinion essay"
"Reported speech"
"Reported speech"
"Adjective suffixes"
"Photo description and comparison"
"The passive (present simple and past simple)"
"The passive (present perfect and future)"
"Verb + preposition"
"A formal letter"
"Revision (Part-2)"
Past Simple - o'tgan vaqtdagi tamomlangan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Present Simple - kundalik harakatlarni, faktlarni yoki oddiy qarorlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Present Continuous - ma'lum bir vaqtda yuz bergan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi.
"Revision of present simple, cont and vocabulary"
Past Simple - o'tgan vaqtdagi tamomlangan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Past Continuous - o'tgan vaqtda ma'lum bir vaqtda yuz bergan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Past Perfect - o'tgan vaqtdagi boshqa harakatdan oldin bo'lgan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi.
"Lessons 1c, 1d"
"Lessons 1f, 1e, 1g".
"Exam skills trainer"
"lessons 2b, 2c"
"2d, 2e".
"2f, 2g"
"Culture 2, 3a"
"Culture 2, 3a"
"Lessons 3b, 3c"
"Lessons 3d, 3e"
"Lessons 3f, 3g"
"Lessons 3h"
"Lesson 4a"
"4b, comparison"
"4c, 4d - second conditional"
"Second conditional"
"9g, 9h"
"Revision, culture 4"
"Computing 5a"
"5b, 5c"
"Reading, 5d"
"5е, 5f"
"5g, 5h"
"Culture 5, exam skills trainer"
"6a, 6b"
"6c, 6d"
"6e, 6f, 6g"
"6h, 7a, 7b"
"3c, 3d, 3e"
"3f, 3g, 3h"
"Exam skills trainer, 8a"
"8b, 8c, 8e"
"8d, 8f, 8h"
"8g, 9a, third conditional"
"9b, 9c, 9d"
"9e, 9f, 9h, 9g"
"Present and future tenses"
"Life events"
"What are they like"
"Press intrusion"
"Position and order of adjectives"
"Photo comparison"
"It drives me crazy"
"Infinitives and - ing forms"
"Preposition + noun phrases"
"Express yourself"
"Modals present and future"
"Modals in the past"
"American English"
"Topic-based presentation"
"Future continuous, future perfect and future perfect continuous"
"Trip of a lifetime"
"Adverbs and adverbial phrases"
"Interview and stimulus-based discussion"
"Relating to people"
"Negative structures"
"Articles and quantifiers"
"Phrasal Verbs"
"Photo description and comparison"
"Food science"
"Keeping fit"
"Compound adjectives"
"Truth and lies"
"Urban legends"
"Nouns and dependent prepositions"
"Hashtag activism"
"Verb pattens"
"Collaborative task"
"Participle clauses"
"Money idioms"
"Photo comparison"