Ingliz tili (UZB)

Ingliz tilini o'rganish orqali siz nafaqat tilning so'z boyligi va grammatikasi bilan tanishasiz, balki dunyo qarashingizni sezilarli darajada kengaytirasiz.

Subject picture
Dars-1 Mavzu: "To be". "Countries".
Dars-1 Mavzu: "To be". "Countries".

"To be - bu ingliz tilidagi fe'l, bu mavjudlikni, holatni yoki egasi bo'lishni anglatadi. U jarayon va mukammal zamir turlarini shakllantirish uchun ishlatiladi, shuningdek passiv yozish uchun yordamchi fe'l sifatida ham ishlatiladi".

Dars-2 Mavzu: "Family, Numbers, Ordinal numbers, Months". Grammar: "Possessive adjectives 's".
Dars-2 Mavzu: "Family, Numbers, Ordinal numbers, Months". Grammar: "Possessive adjectives 's".

"Possessive adjectives 's - is a grammatical construction in English that indicates possession of something by someone or something else. It is typically added to a noun to indicate ownership"

Dars-3 Mavzu: "Word builder - Plural nouns". Grammar: "Prepositions of place, Classroom objects".
Dars-3 Mavzu: "Word builder - Plural nouns". Grammar: "Prepositions of place, Classroom objects".

"Word builder - Plural nouns"

Dars-4 Mavzu: "School subjects, Telling the time". Grammar: "Imperative sentences Object pronoun".
Dars-4 Mavzu: "School subjects, Telling the time". Grammar: "Imperative sentences Object pronoun".

"Imperative jumladagi Object mazmunlari - "me," "you," "him," "her," "us," va "them" kabi mazmunlarni o'z ichiga olgan qisqa buyruqlar yoki so'rovlar. Ular qaysi shaxsga amalning yo'naltirilganligini anglatadi va ko'rsatmalar yoki buyruqlarni o'z ichiga oladi"

Dars-5 Mavzu: Grammar: "Article, demonstrative pronouns Speaking". "My room, Colours".
Dars-5 Mavzu: Grammar: "Article, demonstrative pronouns Speaking". "My room, Colours".

"Article - bu so'zning yaqin ma'nosi "maqola". Bu ingliz tilida ko'p nomzodagi qisqartirilgan so'zlar. Bu nisbatan qisqa va umumiy nomzodagi narsalarni belgilashda ishlatiladi. "A," "an," va "the" - bu eng mashhur maqolalar. "A" va "an" kichik maqolalar va "the" - umumiy maqolalardir. Maqolalar esa ko'plikda aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi"

Dars-6 Mavzu:"Vocabulary". "Appearance Speaking-Skills and abilities". "Talent and ability".
Dars-6 Mavzu:"Vocabulary". "Appearance Speaking-Skills and abilities". "Talent and ability".

"Appearance Speaking-Skills and abilities"

Dars-7 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Skills for life Speaking Face programme". Grammar: "Interrogative words".
Dars-7 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Skills for life Speaking Face programme". Grammar: "Interrogative words".

"Interrogative words"

Dars-8 Mavzu: "Repetition ( 30 exercises)". Grammar: "( have got - has got)". Speaking: "Fit and Fashionable".
Dars-8 Mavzu: "Repetition ( 30 exercises)". Grammar: "( have got - has got)". Speaking: "Fit and Fashionable".

"have got - has got"

Dars-9 Mavzu: Grammar: "Countable - Uncountable nouns Some - Any". "Vocabulary- Types of sport". "Reading - At the Sports centre".
Dars-9 Mavzu: Grammar: "Countable - Uncountable nouns Some - Any". "Vocabulary- Types of sport". "Reading - At the Sports centre".

"Countable - Uncountable nouns Some - Any"

Dars-10 Mavzu: "Reading - Across cultures 1". Grammar: "Present continuous tense 1". "Do - Play".
Dars-10 Mavzu: "Reading - Across cultures 1". Grammar: "Present continuous tense 1". "Do - Play".

"Present continuous tense 1"

Dars-11 Mavzu: "Speaking". Grammar: "Present continuous tense 2". "Study corner 2".
Dars-11 Mavzu: "Speaking". Grammar: "Present continuous tense 2". "Study corner 2".

"Present continuous tense 2"

Dars-12 Mavzu: Grammar: "Present simple tense Doing some exercises".
Dars-12 Mavzu: Grammar: "Present simple tense Doing some exercises".

"Present simple tense Doing some exercises"

Dars-13 Mavzu: Grammar: "Present simple tense (2)". "Doing some exercises".
Dars-13 Mavzu: Grammar: "Present simple tense (2)". "Doing some exercises".

"Present simple tense (2)"

Dars-14 Mavzu: "Daily routine (A day in the life of a jockey)". Reading: "The adventure park". "Study corner 3".
Dars-14 Mavzu: "Daily routine (A day in the life of a jockey)". Reading: "The adventure park". "Study corner 3".

"Daily routine (A day in the life of a jockey)"

Dars-15 Mavzu: Speaking: "What do you do in your free time". Grammar: "Adverbs of frequency".
Dars-15 Mavzu: Speaking: "What do you do in your free time". Grammar: "Adverbs of frequency".

"Adverbs of frequency"

Dars-16 Mavzu: Grammar: "There is - are, some - any". Speaking: "Places, Directiones Study corner 4".
Dars-16 Mavzu: Grammar: "There is - are, some - any". Speaking: "Places, Directiones Study corner 4".

"There is - are, some - any"

Dars-17 Mavzu: Grammar: "To be, Was - Were". "Vocabulary". "Weather, Space Study corner 5".
Dars-17 Mavzu: Grammar: "To be, Was - Were". "Vocabulary". "Weather, Space Study corner 5".

"To be, Was - Were"

Dars-18 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Speaking". "Asking for and giving directions". Grammar: "Present simple and Present continuous tense".
Dars-18 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Speaking". "Asking for and giving directions". Grammar: "Present simple and Present continuous tense".

"Present simple and Present continuous tense"

Dars-19 Mavzu: Reading: "The international space station". "Charity adventure". Grammar: "Past simple tense".
Dars-19 Mavzu: Reading: "The international space station". "Charity adventure". Grammar: "Past simple tense".

"Past simple tense"

Dars-20 Mavzu: Reading: "The expedition". "Speaking". "Across culture 3". Grammar: "Past simple tense ( regular verbs)".
Dars-20 Mavzu: Reading: "The expedition". "Speaking". "Across culture 3". Grammar: "Past simple tense ( regular verbs)".

"Past simple tense ( regular verbs)"

Dars-21 Mavzu: Reading: "Animals in danger". Grammar: "Past simple (Irregular verbs) Exercises".
Dars-21 Mavzu: Reading: "Animals in danger". Grammar: "Past simple (Irregular verbs) Exercises".

"Past simple (Irregular verbs) Exercises"

Dars-22 Mavzu: "Study corner 6". Reading: "Change your world". "Vocabulary". Grammar: "Past continuous".
Dars-22 Mavzu: "Study corner 6". Reading: "Change your world". "Vocabulary". Grammar: "Past continuous".

"Study corner 6"

Dars-23 Mavzu: "Repetition". "Vocabulary". Grammar: "Was, were, Past simple, Sentence builder".
Dars-23 Mavzu: "Repetition". "Vocabulary". Grammar: "Was, were, Past simple, Sentence builder".

"Was, were, Past simple, Sentence builder"

Dars-24 Mavzu: Grammar: "Wildlife news". "Vocabulary". Reading: "Community work".
Dars-24 Mavzu: Grammar: "Wildlife news". "Vocabulary". Reading: "Community work".

"Wildlife news"

Dars-25 Mavzu: "Study corner 7". Reading: "Interview with Emma Watson". Grammar: "Going to".
Dars-25 Mavzu: "Study corner 7". Reading: "Interview with Emma Watson". Grammar: "Going to".

"Going to"

Dars-26 Mavzu: Reading: "Last week on TV - TV review". Grammar: "Degrees of adjective". "Comparitives and superlatives".
Dars-26 Mavzu: Reading: "Last week on TV - TV review". Grammar: "Degrees of adjective". "Comparitives and superlatives".

"Degrees of adjective"

Dars-27 Mavzu: Grammar: "Degrees of adjectives (2)". "Doing exercises".
Dars-27 Mavzu: Grammar: "Degrees of adjectives (2)". "Doing exercises".

"Doing exercises"

Dars-28 Mavzu: Grammar: "Adjectives". "Reading: Adam's TV blog". "Speaking". "Giving opinion".
Dars-28 Mavzu: Grammar: "Adjectives". "Reading: Adam's TV blog". "Speaking". "Giving opinion".


Dars-29 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Future plans". "Reading: Party time". Grammar: "Be going to". "Writing". "An Invitation".
Dars-29 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Future plans". "Reading: Party time". Grammar: "Be going to". "Writing". "An Invitation".

"Be going to"

Dars-30 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Reading". "Across cultures 4". "Writing: New year in my country". "Listening: Kiruna snow festival in Sweden".
Dars-30 Mavzu: "Vocabulary". "Reading". "Across cultures 4". "Writing: New year in my country". "Listening: Kiruna snow festival in Sweden".

"Across cultures 4"

Dars-31 Mavzu: Grammar: "Adjectives ending - ed, ing". "Study corner 8". "Vocabulary". "Countries, Nationalities".
Dars-31 Mavzu: Grammar: "Adjectives ending - ed, ing". "Study corner 8". "Vocabulary". "Countries, Nationalities".

"Adjectives ending - ed, ing"

Dars-32 Mavzu: "Repetition". Grammar: "Pronouns, Speaking, Telling the time, Imperatives, Articles".
Dars-32 Mavzu: "Repetition". Grammar: "Pronouns, Speaking, Telling the time, Imperatives, Articles".

"Pronouns, Speaking, Telling the time, Imperatives, Articles"

Dars-33 Mavzu: "Modal verb - Can, Can't". "Vocabulary". "Abilities Sentence builder - And, But".
Dars-33 Mavzu: "Modal verb - Can, Can't". "Vocabulary". "Abilities Sentence builder - And, But".

"Modal verb - Can, Can't"

Dars-34 Mavzu: "Delixical verbs - have, make, give". "Noun Have, Has got".
Dars-34 Mavzu: "Delixical verbs - have, make, give". "Noun Have, Has got".

"Delixical verbs - have, make, give"

Dars-35 Mavzu: "Adjective order". "Question words". "Routines - Present simple".
Dars-35 Mavzu: "Adjective order". "Question words". "Routines - Present simple".

"Routines - Present simple"

Dars-36 Mavzu: "Reading: Exercises". "Multiple choice questions".
Dars-36 Mavzu: "Reading: Exercises". "Multiple choice questions".

"Reading: Exercises"

Dars-37 Mavzu: "Vocabulary exercises". Grammar: "Exercises Types of IELTS exam questions".
Dars-37 Mavzu: "Vocabulary exercises". Grammar: "Exercises Types of IELTS exam questions".

"Exercises Types of IELTS exam questions"

Dars-38 Mavzu: "Prepositions Adjective + prepositons". "Prepositions + noun Prepositions of place".
Dars-38 Mavzu: "Prepositions Adjective + prepositons". "Prepositions + noun Prepositions of place".

"Prepositions Adjective + prepositons"

Dars-39 Mavzu: Grammar: "Past continuous tense and Past simple tense".
Dars-39 Mavzu: Grammar: "Past continuous tense and Past simple tense".

"Past continuous tense and Past simple tense"

Dars-40 Mavzu: Grammar: "Past simple & Past continuous". "Reading: My wonderful family". Grammar: "Would you like, Do you like".
Dars-40 Mavzu: Grammar: "Past simple & Past continuous". "Reading: My wonderful family". Grammar: "Would you like, Do you like".

"Past simple & Past continuous"

Dars-1 Mavzu: "Personal information". "To be & have got, can modal".
Dars-1 Mavzu: "Personal information". "To be & have got, can modal".

"Personal information"

Dars-2 Mavzu: "A, an, the and some". "Demonstrative pronouns, family members and the present continuous participle".
Dars-2 Mavzu: "A, an, the and some". "Demonstrative pronouns, family members and the present continuous participle".

"A, an, the and some"

Dars-3 Mavzu: "Present simple (negative &question)". "Plural &singular nouns". "Sibling rivalry".
Dars-3 Mavzu: "Present simple (negative &question)". "Plural &singular nouns". "Sibling rivalry".

"Present simple (negative &question)"

Dars-4 Mavzu: "Describing people, writing a personal profile, daily routine".
Dars-4 Mavzu: "Describing people, writing a personal profile, daily routine".

"Describing people"

Dars-5 Mavzu: "Have to, dates, numbers and times, adverbs of frequency and question words".
Dars-5 Mavzu: "Have to, dates, numbers and times, adverbs of frequency and question words".

"Have to, dates"

Dars-6 Mavzu: "Prepositions of time, dangerous journeys, should".
Dars-6 Mavzu: "Prepositions of time, dangerous journeys, should".

"Prepositions of time"

Dars-7 Mavzu: "Writing an announcement, clothes, present continuous".
Dars-7 Mavzu: "Writing an announcement, clothes, present continuous".

"Present continuous"

Dars-8 Mavzu: "Adjectives to describe clothes, adjectives - opposites, present simple & present continuous".
Dars-8 Mavzu: "Adjectives to describe clothes, adjectives - opposites, present simple & present continuous".

"Present simple & present continuous"

Dars-9 Mavzu: "Teenage pressure, making arrangements, email writing".
Dars-9 Mavzu: "Teenage pressure, making arrangements, email writing".

"Making arrangements"

Dars-10 Mavzu: "Food, countable & uncountable nouns, there is & there are, some & any".
Dars-10 Mavzu: "Food, countable & uncountable nouns, there is & there are, some & any".

"There is & there are, some & any"

Dars-11 Mavzu: "How much, how many, a little, a few, adjective + preposition, reading strategy (sentence completion)".
Dars-11 Mavzu: "How much, how many, a little, a few, adjective + preposition, reading strategy (sentence completion)".

"How much, how many, a little, a few"

Dars-12 Mavzu: "In a restaurant, an invitation, places (prepositions of place)".
Dars-12 Mavzu: "In a restaurant, an invitation, places (prepositions of place)".

"In a restaurant, an invitation, places"

Dars-13 Mavzu: "Comparatives, town or country, superlatives".
Dars-13 Mavzu: "Comparatives, town or country, superlatives".


Dars-14 Mavzu: "Travel related collocations, reading strategy, asking for and giving directions".
Dars-14 Mavzu: "Travel related collocations, reading strategy, asking for and giving directions".

"Travel related collocations"

Dars-15 Mavzu: "Writing an article, wild animals, past simple (affirmative)".
Dars-15 Mavzu: "Writing an article, wild animals, past simple (affirmative)".

"Past simple (affirmative)"

Dars-16 Mavzu: "Past simple (to be & can), prepositions of movement and places, reading strategy (multiple - choice questions)".
Dars-16 Mavzu: "Past simple (to be & can), prepositions of movement and places, reading strategy (multiple - choice questions)".

"Past simple (to be & can)"

Dars-17 Mavzu: "Writing a postcard, computing, past simple (irregular verbs)".
Dars-17 Mavzu: "Writing a postcard, computing, past simple (irregular verbs)".

"Past simple (irregular verbs)"

Dars-18 Mavzu: "Vocabulary, past simple, negative & interrogative forms, phrasal verbs, reading strategy".
Dars-18 Mavzu: "Vocabulary, past simple, negative & interrogative forms, phrasal verbs, reading strategy".

"Negative & interrogative forms"

Dars-19 Mavzu: "In a shop, narrative, sports & hobbies, going to".
Dars-19 Mavzu: "In a shop, narrative, sports & hobbies, going to".

"Going to"

Dars-20 Mavzu: "Prediction, will, noun suffixes".
Dars-20 Mavzu: "Prediction, will, noun suffixes".


Dars-21 Mavzu: "Reading strategy (multiple - choice questions), negotiating, informal letter".
Dars-21 Mavzu: "Reading strategy (multiple - choice questions), negotiating, informal letter".

"Reading strategy (multiple - choice questions)"

Dars-22 Mavzu: "My home, present perfect (affirmative), university accomodation".
Dars-22 Mavzu: "My home, present perfect (affirmative), university accomodation".

"Present perfect (affirmative)"

Dars-23 Mavzu: "Present perfect (negative & interrogative), make, do, have, take & bring, reading strategy".
Dars-23 Mavzu: "Present perfect (negative & interrogative), make, do, have, take & bring, reading strategy".

"Present perfect (negative & interrogative)"

Dars-24 Mavzu: "Сomparing two photos, writing a description, review".
Dars-24 Mavzu: "Сomparing two photos, writing a description, review".

"Writing a description"

Dars-25 Mavzu: "Review: Personal information". "Be & have got, can".
Dars-25 Mavzu: "Review: Personal information". "Be & have got, can".

"Be & have got, can"

Dars-26 Mavzu: "Review: Articles, family".
Dars-26 Mavzu: "Review: Articles, family".

"Review: Articles, family"

Dars-27 Mavzu: "Review: Present simple (affirmative), spelling and pronunciation".
Dars-27 Mavzu: "Review: Present simple (affirmative), spelling and pronunciation".

"Review: Present simple (affirmative)"

Dars-28 Mavzu: "Review: Present simple (negative and interrogative), singular & plural nouns".
Dars-28 Mavzu: "Review: Present simple (negative and interrogative), singular & plural nouns".

"Review: Present simple (negative and interrogative)"

Dars-29 Mavzu: "Review: Daily routine, have to, unusual schools".
Dars-29 Mavzu: "Review: Daily routine, have to, unusual schools".

"Have to, unusual schools"

Dars-30 Mavzu: "Review: Adverbs of frequency, prepositions of time, should".
Dars-30 Mavzu: "Review: Adverbs of frequency, prepositions of time, should".

"Adverbs of frequency"

Dars-31 Mavzu: "Review: Present continuous, present continuous vs present simple, opposite adjectives".
Dars-31 Mavzu: "Review: Present continuous, present continuous vs present simple, opposite adjectives".

"Present continuous vs present simple"

Dars-32 Mavzu: "Review: Making arrangements, an email, there is, there are, some & any".
Dars-32 Mavzu: "Review: Making arrangements, an email, there is, there are, some & any".

"There is, there are, some & any"

Dars-33 Mavzu: "Review: How much & how many, much & many, a lot of, a few & a little, in a restaurant, adjective + preposition".
Dars-33 Mavzu: "Review: How much & how many, much & many, a lot of, a few & a little, in a restaurant, adjective + preposition".

"How much & how many, much & many, a lot of, a few & a little"

Dars-34 Mavzu: "Review: An invitation, in the city, comparatives".
Dars-34 Mavzu: "Review: An invitation, in the city, comparatives".

"An invitation"

Dars-35 Mavzu: "Review: Superlatives, travel-related collocations".
Dars-35 Mavzu: "Review: Superlatives, travel-related collocations".


Dars-36 Mavzu: "Review: Asking for and giving directions, past simple (regular verbs)".
Dars-36 Mavzu: "Review: Asking for and giving directions, past simple (regular verbs)".

"Past simple (regular verbs)"

Dars-37 Mavzu: "Review: Prepositions of movement and place, past simple (irregular)".
Dars-37 Mavzu: "Review: Prepositions of movement and place, past simple (irregular)".

"Past simple (irregular)"

Dars-38 Mavzu: "Review: Sports and hobbies, going & will".
Dars-38 Mavzu: "Review: Sports and hobbies, going & will".

"Going & will"

Dars-39 Mavzu: "Review: Noun suffixes, negotiating, email phrases".
Dars-39 Mavzu: "Review: Noun suffixes, negotiating, email phrases".

"Noun suffixes"

Dars-40 Mavzu: "Review: Present perfect, do, make, have, take".
Dars-40 Mavzu: "Review: Present perfect, do, make, have, take".

"Present perfect, do, make, have, take"

Dars-1 Mavzu: "Introduction". "Likes and dislikes". "Contrast - present simple and present continuous".
Pre intermediate
Dars-1 Mavzu: "Introduction". "Likes and dislikes". "Contrast - present simple and present continuous".


Dars-2 Mavzu: "Introduction". "Describing people". "Articles".
Pre intermediate
Dars-2 Mavzu: "Introduction". "Describing people". "Articles".


Dars-3 Mavzu: "Unit: 1". "How do you feel". "Past simple".
Pre intermediate
Dars-3 Mavzu: "Unit: 1". "How do you feel". "Past simple".

"Past simple"

Dars-4 Mavzu: "Problems, Past simple (negative and interrogative)".
Pre intermediate
Dars-4 Mavzu: "Problems, Past simple (negative and interrogative)".

"Past simple (negative and interrogative)"

Dars-5 Mavzu: "Adjective endings". "Painless".
Pre intermediate
Dars-5 Mavzu: "Adjective endings". "Painless".

"Adjective endings"

Dars-6 Mavzu: "Narrating events". "A description of an event".
Pre intermediate
Dars-6 Mavzu: "Narrating events". "A description of an event".

"Narrating events"

Dars-7 Mavzu: "Landscapes". "Past continuous".
Pre intermediate
Dars-7 Mavzu: "Landscapes". "Past continuous".

"Past continuous"

Dars-8 Mavzu: "Adrenaline junkies". "Contrast - Past simple and past continuous".
Pre intermediate
Dars-8 Mavzu: "Adrenaline junkies". "Contrast - Past simple and past continuous".

"Contrast - Past simple and past continuous"

Dars-9 Mavzu: "Word building". "Lost at sea".
Pre intermediate
Dars-9 Mavzu: "Word building". "Lost at sea".

"Word building"

Dars-10 Mavzu: "Photo description". "An invitation".
Pre intermediate
Dars-10 Mavzu: "Photo description". "An invitation".

"Photo description"

Dars-11 Mavzu: "Films and TV programmes". "Quantity".
Pre intermediate
Dars-11 Mavzu: "Films and TV programmes". "Quantity".


Dars-12 Mavzu: "Advertising". "Must, mustn't, and needn't, don't have to".
Pre intermediate
Dars-12 Mavzu: "Advertising". "Must, mustn't, and needn't, don't have to".

"Must, mustn't, and needn't, don't have to"

Dars-13 Mavzu: "Negative adjective prefixes". "Video games and health".
Pre intermediate
Dars-13 Mavzu: "Negative adjective prefixes". "Video games and health".

"Negative adjective prefixes"

Dars-14 Mavzu: "Reaching an agreement". "An informal letter".
Pre intermediate
Dars-14 Mavzu: "Reaching an agreement". "An informal letter".

"Reaching an agreement"

Dars-15 Mavzu: "Weather". "Comparison".
Pre intermediate
Dars-15 Mavzu: "Weather". "Comparison".


Dars-16 Mavzu: "Eyewitness". "Superlative adjectives, too and enough".
Pre intermediate
Dars-16 Mavzu: "Eyewitness". "Superlative adjectives, too and enough".

"Superlative adjectives, too and enough"

Dars-17 Mavzu: "Phrasal verbs". "Gliders in the storm".
Pre intermediate
Dars-17 Mavzu: "Phrasal verbs". "Gliders in the storm".

"Phrasal verbs"

Dars-18 Mavzu: "Photo comparison". "An article".
Pre intermediate
Dars-18 Mavzu: "Photo comparison". "An article".

"An article"

Dars-19 Mavzu: "Jobs". "Will and going to".
Pre intermediate
Dars-19 Mavzu: "Jobs". "Will and going to".

"Will and going to"

Dars-20 Mavzu: "Changing jobs". "First conditional".
Pre intermediate
Dars-20 Mavzu: "Changing jobs". "First conditional".

"First conditional"

Dars-21 Mavzu: "Prefixes". "Dream jobs".
Pre intermediate
Dars-21 Mavzu: "Prefixes". "Dream jobs".


Dars-22 Mavzu: "Choosing job". "Аn application Ietter".
Pre intermediate
Dars-22 Mavzu: "Choosing job". "Аn application Ietter".

"Аn application Ietter"

Dars-23 Mavzu: "Worth a visit". "Present perfect".
Pre intermediate
Dars-23 Mavzu: "Worth a visit". "Present perfect".

"Present perfect"

Dars-24 Mavzu: "Check your ticket". "Contrast - past simple and present perfect".
Pre intermediate
Dars-24 Mavzu: "Check your ticket". "Contrast - past simple and present perfect".

"Contrast - past simple and present perfect"

Dars-25 Mavzu: "Compounds". "Holidays without parents".
Pre intermediate
Dars-25 Mavzu: "Compounds". "Holidays without parents".


Dars-26 Mavzu: "Planning a holiday". "A holiday blog".
Pre intermediate
Dars-26 Mavzu: "Planning a holiday". "A holiday blog".

"Planning a holiday"

Dars-27 Mavzu: "Spending power". "Second conditional".
Pre intermediate
Dars-27 Mavzu: "Spending power". "Second conditional".

"Second conditional"

Dars-28 Mavzu: "Honesty pays". "Past perfect".
Pre intermediate
Dars-28 Mavzu: "Honesty pays". "Past perfect".

"Past perfect"

Dars-29 Mavzu: "Verb + infinitive or - ing form".
Pre intermediate
Dars-29 Mavzu: "Verb + infinitive or - ing form".

"Verb + infinitive or - ing form"

Dars-30 Mavzu: "Photo comparison and presentation". "An opinion essay".
Pre intermediate
Dars-30 Mavzu: "Photo comparison and presentation". "An opinion essay".

"An opinion essay"

Dars-31 Mavzu: "Crimes and criminals". "Reported speech".
Pre intermediate
Dars-31 Mavzu: "Crimes and criminals". "Reported speech".

"Reported speech"

Dars-32 Mavzu: "A life of crime". "Reported speech".
Pre intermediate
Dars-32 Mavzu: "A life of crime". "Reported speech".

"Reported speech"

Dars-33 Mavzu: "Adjective suffixes". "An Australian murder mystery".
Pre intermediate
Dars-33 Mavzu: "Adjective suffixes". "An Australian murder mystery".

"Adjective suffixes"

Dars-34 Mavzu: "Photo description and comparison". "An email".
Pre intermediate
Dars-34 Mavzu: "Photo description and comparison". "An email".

"Photo description and comparison"

Dars-35 Mavzu: "Gadgets". "The passive (present simple and past simple)".
Pre intermediate
Dars-35 Mavzu: "Gadgets". "The passive (present simple and past simple)".

"The passive (present simple and past simple)"

Dars-36 Mavzu: "Intentions of speakers". "The passive (present perfect and future)".
Pre intermediate
Dars-36 Mavzu: "Intentions of speakers". "The passive (present perfect and future)".

"The passive (present perfect and future)"

Dars-37 Mavzu: "Verb + preposition". "Great inventions".
Pre intermediate
Dars-37 Mavzu: "Verb + preposition". "Great inventions".

"Verb + preposition"

Dars-38 Mavzu: "Making a complaint". "A formal letter".
Pre intermediate
Dars-38 Mavzu: "Making a complaint". "A formal letter".

"A formal letter"

Dars-39 Mavzu: "Revision". "Exam skills".
Pre intermediate
Dars-39 Mavzu: "Revision". "Exam skills".


Dars-40 Mavzu: "Revision". "Exam skills (Part-2)".
Pre intermediate
Dars-40 Mavzu: "Revision". "Exam skills (Part-2)".

"Revision (Part-2)"

Dars-1 Mavzu: "Introduction". "Past simple, Present simple, Present continuous".
Dars-1 Mavzu: "Introduction". "Past simple, Present simple, Present continuous".

Past Simple - o'tgan vaqtdagi tamomlangan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Present Simple - kundalik harakatlarni, faktlarni yoki oddiy qarorlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Present Continuous - ma'lum bir vaqtda yuz bergan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi.

Dars-2 Mavzu: "Revision of present simple, cont and vocabulary". "Reading, Articles, Will vs going to".
Dars-2 Mavzu: "Revision of present simple, cont and vocabulary". "Reading, Articles, Will vs going to".

"Revision of present simple, cont and vocabulary"

Dars-3 Mavzu: "Lessons 1a,1b, past simple, past continuous, past perfect".
Dars-3 Mavzu: "Lessons 1a,1b, past simple, past continuous, past perfect".

Past Simple - o'tgan vaqtdagi tamomlangan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Past Continuous - o'tgan vaqtda ma'lum bir vaqtda yuz bergan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi. Past Perfect - o'tgan vaqtdagi boshqa harakatdan oldin bo'lgan harakatlarni tavsiflash uchun ishlatiladi.

Dars-4 Mavzu: "Lessons 1c, 1d".
Dars-4 Mavzu: "Lessons 1c, 1d".

"Lessons 1c, 1d"

Dars-5 Mavzu: "Lesson 1e and reading".
Dars-5 Mavzu: "Lesson 1e and reading".


Dars-6 Mavzu: "Lessons 1f, 1e, 1g".
Dars-6 Mavzu: "Lessons 1f, 1e, 1g".

"Lessons 1f, 1e, 1g".

Dars-7 Mavzu: "Exam skills trainer, 2a".
Dars-7 Mavzu: "Exam skills trainer, 2a".

"Exam skills trainer"

Dars-8 Mavzu: "lessons 2b, 2c".
Dars-8 Mavzu: "lessons 2b, 2c".

"lessons 2b, 2c"

Dars-9 Mavzu: "2d, 2e".
Dars-9 Mavzu: "2d, 2e".

"2d, 2e".

Dars-10 Mavzu: "2f, 2g".
Dars-10 Mavzu: "2f, 2g".

"2f, 2g"

Dars-11 Mavzu: "Culture 1, lesson 2e".
Dars-11 Mavzu: "Culture 1, lesson 2e".

"Culture 2, 3a"

Dars-12 Mavzu: "Culture 2, 3a".
Dars-12 Mavzu: "Culture 2, 3a".

"Culture 2, 3a"

Dars-13 Mavzu: "Lessons 3b, 3c".
Dars-13 Mavzu: "Lessons 3b, 3c".

"Lessons 3b, 3c"

Dars-14 Mavzu: "Lessons 3d, 3e".
Dars-14 Mavzu: "Lessons 3d, 3e".

"Lessons 3d, 3e"

Dars-15 Mavzu: "Lessons 3f, 3g".
Dars-15 Mavzu: "Lessons 3f, 3g".

"Lessons 3f, 3g"

Dars-16 Mavzu: "Lessons 3h, exam skills trainer".
Dars-16 Mavzu: "Lessons 3h, exam skills trainer".

"Lessons 3h"

Dars-17 Mavzu: "Lesson 4a, culture 3".
Dars-17 Mavzu: "Lesson 4a, culture 3".

"Lesson 4a"

Dars-18 Mavzu: "4b, comparison".
Dars-18 Mavzu: "4b, comparison".

"4b, comparison"

Dars-19 Mavzu: "4c, 4d - second conditional, I wish".
Dars-19 Mavzu: "4c, 4d - second conditional, I wish".

"4c, 4d - second conditional"

Dars-20 Mavzu: "Second conditional, I wish if only, 4e, 4f".
Dars-20 Mavzu: "Second conditional, I wish if only, 4e, 4f".

"Second conditional"

Dars-21 Mavzu: "9g, 9h".
Dars-21 Mavzu: "9g, 9h".

"9g, 9h"

Dars-22 Mavzu: "Revision, culture 4".
Dars-22 Mavzu: "Revision, culture 4".

"Revision, culture 4"

Dars-23 Mavzu: "Computing 5a".
Dars-23 Mavzu: "Computing 5a".

"Computing 5a"

Dars-24 Mavzu: "5b, 5c".
Dars-24 Mavzu: "5b, 5c".

"5b, 5c"

Dars-25 Mavzu: "Reading, 5d".
Dars-25 Mavzu: "Reading, 5d".

"Reading, 5d"

Dars-26 Mavzu: "5е, 5f".
Dars-26 Mavzu: "5е, 5f".

"5е, 5f"

Dars-27 Mavzu: "5g, 5h".
Dars-27 Mavzu: "5g, 5h".

"5g, 5h"

Dars-28 Mavzu: "Culture 5, exam skills trainer"
Dars-28 Mavzu: "Culture 5, exam skills trainer"

"Culture 5, exam skills trainer"

Dars-29 Mavzu: "6a, 6b".
Dars-29 Mavzu: "6a, 6b".

"6a, 6b"

Dars-30 Mavzu: "6c, 6d".
Dars-30 Mavzu: "6c, 6d".

"6c, 6d"

Dars-31 Mavzu: "6e, 6f, 6g".
Dars-31 Mavzu: "6e, 6f, 6g".

"6e, 6f, 6g"

Dars-32 Mavzu: "6h, 7a, 7b".
Dars-32 Mavzu: "6h, 7a, 7b".

"6h, 7a, 7b"

Dars-33 Mavzu: "3c, 3d, 3e".
Dars-33 Mavzu: "3c, 3d, 3e".

"3c, 3d, 3e"

Dars-34 Mavzu: "3f, 3g, 3h".
Dars-34 Mavzu: "3f, 3g, 3h".

"3f, 3g, 3h"

Dars-35 Mavzu: "Exam skills trainer, 8a".
Dars-35 Mavzu: "Exam skills trainer, 8a".

"Exam skills trainer, 8a"

Dars-36 Mavzu: "8b, 8c, 8e".
Dars-36 Mavzu: "8b, 8c, 8e".

"8b, 8c, 8e"

Dars-37 Mavzu: "8d, 8f, 8h".
Dars-37 Mavzu: "8d, 8f, 8h".

"8d, 8f, 8h"

Dars-38 Mavzu: 8g, 9a, third conditional.
Dars-38 Mavzu: 8g, 9a, third conditional.

"8g, 9a, third conditional"

Dars-39 Mavzu: "9b, 9c, 9d".
Dars-39 Mavzu: "9b, 9c, 9d".

"9b, 9c, 9d"

Dars-40 Mavzu: "9e, 9f, 9h, 9g".
Dars-40 Mavzu: "9e, 9f, 9h, 9g".

"9e, 9f, 9h, 9g"

Upper intermediate
Dars-1 Mavzu: “Friends” & IB “Present and future tenses”.
Upper intermediate
Dars-1 Mavzu: “Friends” & IB “Present and future tenses”.

"Present and future tenses"

Dars-2 Mavzu: "Life events" & ID "Past tenses".
Upper intermediate
Dars-2 Mavzu: "Life events" & ID "Past tenses".

"Life events"

Dars-3 Mavzu: "What are they like" & 1B "Past perfect simple and Past perfect continuous".
Upper intermediate
Dars-3 Mavzu: "What are they like" & 1B "Past perfect simple and Past perfect continuous".

"What are they like"

Dars-4 Mavzu: "Press intrusion" & 1D "Used to and would".
Upper intermediate
Dars-4 Mavzu: "Press intrusion" & 1D "Used to and would".

"Press intrusion"

Dars-5 Mavzu: "Position and order of adjectives" & 1F "Vloggers".
Upper intermediate
Dars-5 Mavzu: "Position and order of adjectives" & 1F "Vloggers".

"Position and order of adjectives"

Dars-6 Mavzu: Units: 1G. "Photo comparison" & 1H "A formal letter".
Upper intermediate
Dars-6 Mavzu: Units: 1G. "Photo comparison" & 1H "A formal letter".

"Photo comparison"
